
If you’re in the market for a new CRM software solution or looking to upgrade your current one, there are 12 key

features you should look for before making a purchase:

1. Sales improvement – A good CRM solution should help boost your sales by streamlining your sales process and

giving you better insight into your leads.

2. 3rd party integration – Look for a CRM that integrates with other software solutions you use, such as Gmail or

Outlook, to make data management and customer communication easier.

3. Lead organization – A good CRM will help you organize your leads, so you can follow up with them more efficiently

and close more sales.

4. Customer – Make sure the CRM you choose has good customer service in case you have any questions or problems

using the software.

5. Website visits – See how many visits your website has had and how that number is trending over time with CRM

software that includes social media tracking features.

6. Customer insights – Get a better understanding of your customers who are contacting you by seeing data such as

their contact history, purchase history, and more.

7. Sales forecasting – Gain an understanding of what sales you can expect in the future, so you can plan for them

accordingly with CRM software that offers sales forecasting features.

8. Time-saving features – Look for CRM software that has time-saving features to help reduce the amount of time you

spend on administrative tasks.

9. Mobile accessibility – Make sure the CRM you select is accessible on mobile devices, so you can stay productive

while on the go.

10. User-friendly interface – The CRM software should be easy to use, so you can get up and running quickly and

without any trouble.

11. Affordable – Make sure the CRM you choose is affordable, especially if you plan to use it for your entire team.

12. Customizable – Look for a CRM that can be customized to fit your specific needs, so you don’t have to compromise

on features.

In Conclusion, CRM software can be a useful tool for businesses of all sizes. It’s important to pick a very effective

platform that will scale together with your needs. If you look for these 12 features in CRM software before you buy,

you cannot fail.

The most significant thing to keep in mind when shopping for CRM software is that not all platforms are created equal.

Make sure to select a CRM system that has all the features and functionality you need to manage your customers

effectively. Always look out for these features; The ability to manage customer data effectively. A user-friendly interface

and the ability to create custom reports.


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